The Regional Airports Development Scheme (RADS) is inviting submissions for the next round of grants for regional and remote airports across Western Australia, totalling $1.7 million.
The RADS grants are aimed at helping regional and remote airports to improve air services, airport infrastructure and air safety by providing access to funding.
The overall 2017-19 RADS budget was $3.88 million, with the first round of grants awarded to 15 regional airports sharing in about $2.2 million in State Government funding.
Minister for Transport, Rita Saffioti, said the RADS grants will assist remote and regional airports in WA to maintain and upgrade airport infrastructure, ensuring these regional aerodromes continue to meet economic and community needs.
“The McGowan Government is taking a broad approach to regional air travel, as demonstrated by our inquiry into regional airfares,” Ms Saffioti said.
“The impacts of these smaller projects can be far-reaching and sometimes lifesaving to the communities in which they operate.
“Airports are key to growing our economic, tourism and social links throughout regional WA.
“The State Government is committed to ensuring safe and accessible aviation services that meet the transport needs of regional communities across WA, and these grants help make this possible.”
The second round for 2017-19 is now open with nearly $1.7 million in funds up for grabs.
Applications for grants must provide for common-user transport infrastructure to improve air services and/or air safety for regional communities.
Applications can be downloaded at and close 13 November 2017.