The first investigations have begun into the plan to improve the safety of vessels through the Clinton Channel in Queensland.

As part of the Gladstone Ports Corporation’s (GPC) Clinton Vessel Interaction Project, geotechnical and geochemical sampling equipment, including a large jack up barge, have now been mobilised in the channel in front of the RG Tanna Coal Terminal wharf, with sampling to be undertaken for around 11 days.

GPC Chief Executive Officer, Peter O’Sullivan, said the geotechnical and geochemical analysis would determine the nature of soil materials in the Clinton Channel to inform a preliminary business case for the project.

“The detailed business case, including a recommended option, will be finalised later this year and works on the preferred option are anticipated to commence in 2017.

“GPC will keep the community fully informed of any developments as the corporation continues investigative work on the project,” Mr O’Sullivan said.

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