In a recent speech at the Tourism Forum in Sydney, Minister for Urban Infrastructure, Paul Fletcher, commented on the contribution the Western Sydney Airport and its surrounding infrastructure will make in the development of New South Wales’ economy.
Progress to date
The Western Sydney Airport Company (WSA Co), a new government owned company, will be established early in the 2017-18 financial year, with an experienced board and management team, who will bring in private sector expertise.
The Government has committed up to $5.3 billion in the 2017-18 Budget in equity funding to go to WSA Co.
Mr Fletcher said Western Sydney Airport is critical, not just for the Sydney basin, but also nationally.
“Sydney is Australia’s busiest aviation market, with 42 per cent of all tourists to Australia coming into Sydney,” Mr Fletcher said.
“The 2012 Joint Study on aviation capacity in the Sydney region found that Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport will soon face serious constraints. By around 2027 all slots will be allocated.
“By around 2035 there will be practically no scope for further growth of regular passenger services at Sydney Kingsford Smith.”
A coordinated approach
“Let me finally speak briefly about the co-ordinated approach we have been taking so far to maximise the opportunity Western Sydney Airport offers, and how we can build on that approach,” Mr Fletcher said.
“The Turnbull Government federally and the Berejiklian Government in New South Wales have been working together very closely—as is evidenced by the Ministerial attendance at today’s forum.
“Our agenda includes a $3.6 billion program of land transport works under the Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan, a Joint Scoping Study with the NSW Government on meeting the rail needs of Western Sydney and Western Sydney Airport, and finalising the Western Sydney City Deal.”
Mr Fletcher said there is a great deal of work ahead as Western Sydney Airport is turned from concept into reality.
“Our first task is to design and build an airport that the people of Western Sydney can be proud of. But much more than that, we need to identify and seize the economic opportunities that the airport can offer.”
It would be hoped the surrounding infrastructure for this critical site is totally thought through with long term thought and not a politicians 4 year mind set. Not just local needs that have not been seen to date within the current planning. But by those who are able to envisage what this airport can do and should mean to the rest of the state.
For instance has anybody actually considered rail connection to Newcastle and Wollongong as well as Sydney? This would disperse the traffic and reduce the current impact on existing lines provide a second crossing of the Hawkesbury River long needed.
This link could also provide a freight route not requiring passing through the Sydney System