The METRONET team will be examining the best possible planning and land uses around the new Belmont Station on the Forrestfield-Airport Link in Perth.
Belmont Station will form the heart of METRONET’s first transport oriented development – a new high-density suburb with multi-storey apartments, businesses and vibrant community spaces.
As part of this planning, the team will be rethinking and optimising existing plans for the 176-hectare redevelopment area that surrounds the station to align with METRONET objectives.
The team will also be tasked with investigating value capture options around the new Belmont Station precinct.
Associated infrastructure includes six bus bays, 500 car parking bays, and a north-south thoroughfare for pedestrians between Bulong and Central avenues.
Minister for Transport, Rita Saffioti, said “We have a chance to build one of the suburbs of the future that is extremely well-connected, close to the CBD and high in amenity.
“We will be working closely with the City of Belmont to refine these plans and deliver the best possible planning, transport and land-use outcomes.”
Western Australian Premier, Mark McGowan, said the Forrestfield-Airport Link project was jointly funded, with the State Government committing $1.37 billion, and the Federal Government committing $490 million.
“As well as creating 2,000 jobs throughout the life of the project, the new rail link will revolutionise public transport in the eastern foothills and bring direct rail access to the airport for thousands of workers, locals and tourists,” Mr McGowan said.
“There will be thousands of more jobs once building starts on the community hub established around the METRONET station.”
Federal Minister for Urban Infrastructure, Paul Fletcher, said the Commonwealth was pleased to be supporting the Forrestfield-Airport Link.
“In the 2017-18 Budget the Federal Government announced $75 billion over the next decade for road and rail projects around Australia,” Mr Fletcher said.
“In the lead up to last month’s Budget, we also announced an agreement with the WA Government on a $2.3 billion road and rail package for Western Australia.”
Belmont Station will eventually service more than 5,000 employees while more than 7,800 new residents are expected to move to the immediate area once fully developed.