Darwin International Airport (DIA) has acquired an ownership in the Joint User Hydrant Installation (JUHI) storage facility, with an agreed timeframe in place to purchase 100 per cent of the facility.
The facility will continue to be operated by the current joint venture partners.
The purchase is the first time an Australian capital city airport has acquired an interest in existing Joint User Hydrant Installation (JUHI) infrastructure necessary to support the core aviation business of the airport and its airline partners.
The safe and continuous supply of fuel is critical to on-time performance of all aircraft operators at the airport. Any disruptions to the supply of fuel will impact aircraft movements and passengers.
Fuel is supplied by road tanker to airport storage. Multiple road-train deliveries are made per day.
Ross Baynes, Director Property at Darwin Airport said, “Through the purchase, the airport has introduced an open access regime allowing fuel suppliers to market aviation fuel to airlines, which should result in more competition in jet fuel pricing for our airline customers.
“It is encouraging to see we have already received strong interest from aviation fuel marketers who are not currently marketing at Darwin Airport”.