Public housing residents in Katherine, NT, are currently benefiting from a $69 million stimulus program aimed at creating an immediate economic boost to the construction industry.

Funds from the stimulus package has been used to refurbish the aging Bernhard Street complex.

One resident, Julia Alberts described the change as a “mic drop”.

“I’m pleased, I’m happy, I love it. It’s easy to clean, they did a good job,” Ms Alberts said.

The complex was built in 1977 and was last upgraded in 1989. The latest refurbishments include new kitchens and wet areas, electrical work, tiling, carpentry and pest control.

It also includes paintwork inside and out, with six murals being splashed across the walls of the complex by artists David Collins and Jesse Bell.

“All the locals are quite curious,” Mr Bell said.

“They come over and they see what’s going on, and they ask all the questions… everyone was pretty cool about it.”

The murals depict a frog, green ants, a dragonfly, a sea eagle, a barramundi and the Katherine Gorge.

“It’s kind of our go to, to do the local native animals,” Mr Bell said.

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