The Western Australia Government has awarded the detailed design tender for its $8 million Kalgoorlie City Centre Project.
ASPECT Studios, the designers for Yagan Square in Perth, were awarded the tender, which will involve transforming the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder’s masterplan into detailed designs for a construction tender.
Regional Development Minister, Alannah MacTiernan said, “The appointment of ASPECT Studios to undertake the detailed design work will bring the project to life.
“The project can help transform Kalgoorlie city centre through economic activation, attracting investment to the City and significant opportunities for Aboriginal employment and business participation.”
This stage of the project will include the development of a project delivery strategy as well as cultural engagement and development of an Aboriginal procurement and employment plan to drive local job creation and business participation opportunities.
“Moving to detailed design stage is a significant step in turning the community’s vision into reality and delivering on the economic transformation of the city centre,” Ms MacTiernan said.
The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder and ASPECT Studios will continue to engage with the community to ensure that the project optimises opportunities for local people and business.
The detailed design phase will start in January 2020 with construction tenders scheduled for September 2020 and construction due to commence in 2021.
“I am really pleased to see the next stage of this project come to fruition as it has been something the community has been looking forward to and is keen to see reach completion,” Mining and Pastoral Region MLC Kyle McGinn said.