Victoria Cross artist impression street view

The NSW Government has greenlit construction on Sydney Metro’s Victoria Cross over station development.

The project includes construction of a 42-storey commercial office tower, a new community hub, a pedestrian link from the station plaza to Denison Street and almost 1,300 square metres of new public open space.

A $476 million contract was awarded to Lendlease in 2018 to deliver Sydney Metro’s Victoria Cross Station and the landmark building above it.

The project combines public transport infrastructure with space for more than 4,000 office workers and a connected community hub in the heart of the North Sydney CBD, bringing the new vision for the area one step closer to reality.

The integrated station development at the new Victoria Cross Metro Station is set to double the available public open space near the tower and create a continuous ‘civic green spine’ along Miller Street, with landscaped terraces, outdoor dining, casual seating areas and pedestrian paths.

It is hoped the Sydney Metro development will provide better connectivity for a rapidly growing part of the city, not only transforming Sydney’s public transport network, but the areas around it.

Artist’s impression of the Sydney Metro Victoria Cross Station

With tunnelling complete and remaining excavation underway, station fit-out works on the Victoria Cross Metro Station are scheduled to commence in early 2021, with the tower expected to be completed by mid-2024.

The Victoria Cross Metro Station’s underground railway site includes the largest rail cavern in Australia at 265m long, 25m wide and 20m high.

The development is one of 19 projects included in Tranche 3 of the NSW Government’s Planning System Acceleration Program that is fast-tracking planning assessments to help workers retain jobs and stimulate the economy during the COVID-19 crisis.

To date, the program has created opportunities for more than 25,000 jobs and injected more than $13 billion worth of investment into the NSW economy.

With more than 357,000 tonnes of crushed rock removed, excavation of the Metro and service tunnels is now complete, and the cavern and these tunnels are being lined with concrete.

NSW Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, Rob Stokes, said, “North Sydney is already a strong commercial hub for Greater Sydney and this project will provide a much-needed boost, injecting $315 million into the economy and creating between 400-600 construction jobs to deliver the over station development.”

NSW Minister for Transport, Andrew Constance, said, “This project is a great example of the NSW Government’s commitment to ensure our communities have access to great public transport infrastructure regardless of where they live, work or play.”

View more information on the Victoria Cross over station development here

Artist’s impression of the Sydney Metro Victoria Cross Station development at ground level

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