The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) has updated its website with guidance on close contact worker requirements across Australia, to help transport operators, truck drivers and freight workers access up-to-date COVID-19 information.
Assistant Minister for Road Safety and Freight Transport, Scott Buchholz, said the NHVR website would make it easier and quicker for those in the transport sector to get the information they need to carry out their jobs safely.
“Every Australian, everywhere, every day relies on our freight, our logistics, and our supply chain workers – who have been doing a fantastic job keeping supplies moving throughout the pandemic,” Mr Buchholz said.
“This information source is providing truck drivers, rail operators and freight managers with the information they need to make decisions, taking some of the stress out of their day-to-day work.
“This has been no easy feat, as new coronavirus variants keep emerging in Australia and overseas, interstate road and rail workers have worked tirelessly to keep up with changing requirements across jurisdictions.
“We have listened and we have acted. The NHVR has updated its website to act as a one-stop shop for the key COVID-19 information our freight workers need to keep moving across all states and territories.
“This builds on our recent decision at National Cabinet to allow transport, freight and logistics industry workers to go back to work immediately, provided they are asymptomatic and record a negative Rapid Antigen Test.”
NHVR CEO, Sal Petroccitto, said it is important that drivers and operators have a one-stop shop for information.
“Heavy vehicles operate across all Australian borders thousands of times a day and it’s vital that they are able to find clear information to assist in them,” Mr Petroccitto said.
“I’m pleased that we are able to extend our existing information services to include this important information.
“The NHVR will continue to provide updates on changing conditions and requirements across all jurisdictions, such as truck access-friendly COVID-19 testing facilities, roadhouses and service centres.”
Mr Buchholz said COVID-19 has highlighted just how vital Australia’s freight and supply chain network are to our livelihoods and our economy.
“I thank all our freight, supply chain and logistics workers for their outstanding work in continuing to deliver for communities throughout Australia despite the challenges of COVID-19,” Mr Buchholz said.
“Your resilience and determination is a true testament to the Aussie spirit – and we will continue to notice your efforts, to listen, and to act to help our freight sector keep moving.
“Today’s announcement builds on other initiatives such as the launch of the new National Location Registry, which is helping truckies and businesses get Aussie produce from gate to plate more efficiently.”