Transport for NSW launches online landuse tool to help developers plan projects

Transport for NSW has developed a new land use website which will help inform developers about regulations when planning projects that interact with roads, rail and waterways.

Road-related resources on the webpage include road classifications, information on which agency is responsible for each type of road, fact sheets, and advice on carrying out roadwork during a project. 

For developers where the project may have potential impacts on the rail network, there is information about delegated rail authorities and utility supply authorities as well as key contacts. 

Developers can also find details to help when proposing projects that may impact on the waterways of Sydney Harbour and its tributaries, as well as Botany Bay, Newcastle Harbour and Port Kembla Harbour.  

Director Development Services, Land Use, Damien Pfeiffer, said having the correct information to hand could save developers time and money when planning a project with potential impacts on transport networks. 

“The aim of this new online tool is to direct developers to resources that will help prepare their application before submitting it for approval through the Planning New South Wales Portal,” Mr Pfeiffer said.  

“There are a range of regulations regarding roads, rail and waterways that developments must adhere to and it’s easy to miss a step or make an error that could result in their application being delayed or even rejected, and no one wants that. 

“We work every day with project proponents, and we hope the webpage will foster even greater collaboration between developers, councils and Transport for NSW during the early stages to help achieve the best possible outcomes. 

“Last year, more than $6 billion capital investment value in development applications were assessed by Transport’s Regional and Outer Metropolitan Development Services team along with more than $33 billion in State Significant Developments and Infrastructure. 

“This website is one tool Transport is using to help these applications move through the assessment process smoothly and efficiently as we look to keep the economy moving given the COVID-19 related impacts of recent years and will continually evolve.” 

The developer planning webpage can be found here.

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