Devonport Tasmania

The Devonport Airport Master Plan has outlined its six key objectives for the next stages of the regional airport’s development. 

Owned and managed by TasPorts, the key Tasmanian regional airport provides an important gateway to the North West coast and Cradle Coast regions and it’s ready to be further developed.

The Airport Master Plan, released by the Tasmanian Government,  provides a logical and staged approach for the further development.

The Master Plan has six key objectives:

  1. To ensure a sustainable airport by establishing a welcoming environment for aviation activities and business
  2. To provide a strategic framework and guide to land use planning
  3. To facilitate future development opportunities
  4. To identify opportunities to improve economic returns
  5. To enhance aviation-related and regional economic activity
  6. To deliver commercial outcomes for the community, Devonport Airport and TasPorts

Through the Master Plan, the airport’s owner and operator, TasPorts, is working to further enhance the travel options for North West coast-based Tasmanians.

The region is home to more than 100,000 Tasmanians and there are many towns and population centres located within 30km of the airport.

At the same time, it is enhancing economic prospects for the region through identifying and planning for potential non-aviation investment at the 308ha site.

The Devonport Airport Master Plan has been unveiled at the same time as the largest port infrastructure project in Tasmania in a generation gets underway at nearby East Devonport.

The $240 million QuayLink Project will provide a major boost to capacity for both freight and vehicles, while facilitating future growth.

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