A freight train derailment has resulted in the closure of the main western rail line through the Blue Mountains.

New South Wales Minister for Regional Transport and Roads, Sam Farraway, said maintenance crews are on site undertaking inspections along a 10km section of track to review the full extent of damage ahead of repair work.

“This line is a vital component of our supply chain and we will work closely with industry as crews work hard to get it repaired and reopened,” Mr Farraway said. 

“The track in both directions is impacted. It is expected more than 15,000 sleepers will need to be replaced, 120 broken rails fixed, and electrical work undertaken to restore signalling along the entire section of damaged track. 

“The adjacent undamaged track will remain open to diesel trains until Sunday morning, which will keep goods and commodities moving while final repair plans are being established, and to allow freight operators time to find alternative paths.

Mr Farraway said the New South Wales Government will continue to provide regular updates to the rail freight industry and passengers on the progress of the repairs.

Further closures are expected over coming weeks to repair significant damage to track infrastructure that occurred during the derailment between Lawson and Linden.

Due to extensive damage to infrastructure on that section, electric intercity passenger trains cannot travel through there at all until further notice.

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  1. Nick 2 years ago

    The Blue Mountains train line has always been a bit of a joke to us locals. Hopefully they can get this stuff sorted in the next few years, as the Sydney population growth expands and tourism gets hit harder…

    • Alexander 2 years ago

      It’s hard to understand why you would say it’s “a bit of a joke”. What aspect exactly? It certainly isn’t a joke to freight and personal users of the line. Nor is it clear what “get this stuff sorted” refers to. This is a hugely destructive derailment, which, as anyone who reads the reports can see, wasn’t just a derailment, but a a freight train dragging cars and destroying sleepers, rails, catenaries, and signalling equipment, for about 10km, all of which has to be replaced.

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