The Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) will shut down the interstate Melbourne to Adelaide line as they commence three-day long maintenance and improvement work in late August. 

The improvement works on the line will include 30 separate activities to improve the reliability and safety of the interstate rail, costing over $8 million for the three days of work, with buses replacing trains whilst the work is being completed. 

Possession of the line allows for the ARTC with access to multiple locations where the works are needed. 

The fixes to the line are set to include the replacement of 14km worth of track, the removal of 500m of mud holes, the clearing of dangerous trees near the track, geotechnical work in the Adelaide Hills and the upgrade of the Queen Street subway structure in Ararat. 

ARTC General Manager in Asset Maintenance Service, Costas Kokkoni, said that the corporation would continue to upgrade the interstate line. 

“ARTC continues to invest in the Melbourne to Adelaide line to make it more resilient and reliable for our freight customers, passengers and consumers,” Mr Kokkoni said. 

“ARTC has made every effort to minimise disruption to service and we thank the community for its patience while these critical infrastructure improvements are underway.” 

The passenger and freight service will be suspended and unavailable between 6am Saturday 19 August until 2am Tuesday 22 August, with buses set to replace the train services. 

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