The 4km dual carriageway construction between Altone Road and West Swan Road in Perth, the final section of the $77.5 million Reid Highway upgrade, is now complete.
The much-needed upgrade removes the last single carriageway section, delivering an efficient east-west route across Perth’s north eastern suburbs for local residents, commuters and the freight industry.
The project is jointly-funded by the Federal ($56 million) and Western Australian ($14 million) Governments, with an additional $7.5 million contribution from the City of Swan towards the Arthur Street Bridge.
Federal Minister for Population, Cities and Urban Infrastructure, Alan Tudge, said it was another targeted infrastructure project designed to deliver tangible benefits for the people of Perth.
“We are prioritising projects in Perth that will bust congestion but that are also going to drive the WA economy and deliver local jobs,” Mr Tudge said.
“We’re pumping billions of dollars into WA as we come out of COVID and you can see the construction activity right across the metropolitan area.”
WA Transport Minister, Rita Saffioti, said the project had supported more than 400 direct and indirect jobs and has helped transform the north eastern suburbs transport network.
“Following completion of NorthLink WA earlier this year, this project is the latest milestone in the transformation of the road network in Perth’s north eastern suburbs and a delivery of another key election commitment,” Ms Saffioti said.
“We want to continue to create a more efficient transport system for local residents which is why we are delivering on our commitment to build the Morley-Ellenbrook train line with early works now underway.
“Road and rail upgrades combined with our improvements to the Principal Shared Path will help create a more efficient, connected transport corridor in the north-eastern suburbs.
“The new Arthur Street bridge links the growing suburbs of Caversham and Dayton, providing alternative access for buses to cross Reid Highway and for pedestrians looking to access the new Caversham Valley Primary School.”
Federal Member for Pearce, Christian Porter, said this was an important connection for local Pearce residents.
“The project has eliminated the final section of single carriageway on Reid Highway between Marmion Avenue and Great Northern Highway,” Mr Porter said.
“This will reduce congestion and significantly improve safety at the West Swan Road, Lord Street and Altone Road pinch points, where traffic was previously required to merge into a single lane.”
City of Swan Deputy Mayor, David Lucas, said the city was pleased to work with the Commonwealth and State Government’s on this important infrastructure project.
“It was a city priority to not only improve safety for commuters, pedestrians and cyclists but also cut travel times and improve accessibility to local schools and shops,” Mr Lucas said.
“The city contributed $7.5 million to the Arthur Street Bridge project which now links the communities of Dayton to Caversham via the new bridge which will also decongest traffic at West Swan Road and Lord Street traffic lights.”
Modifications to the intersection of Reid Highway and West Swan Road have improved traffic flow and turning movements, while a new Principal Shared Path for pedestrians and cyclists will provide better access to the Swan Valley and enhance local connectivity.
A new bridge over Reid Highway has also opened to traffic, connecting the northern and southern sections of Arthur Street.
The bridge links the growing suburbs of Caversham and Dayton, providing alternative access for buses to cross Reid Highway and for pedestrians looking to access the new Caversham Valley Primary School.
Extensive Aboriginal artwork has been included in the project, following consultation with the Whadjuk Noongar Reference Group.
New artworks are located in the Grandis Street underpass, cultural markers and shadow structures at rest points along the Principal Shared Path and screens, with abutments and noise walls celebrating and sharing stories of the Whadjuk Noongar people.