Infrastructure magazine is back on board for 2020, and while there is plenty happening in the sector, we understand that for many parts of Australia currently affected by the devastating bushfire crisis – things are not business-as-usual.
Australia’s catastrophic 2019-20 bushfire season has so far resulted in 23 deaths, more than 1,500 homes destroyed, and billions of wildlife injuries and deaths – and we’re only just beginning the summer fire season.
With nearly 300 fires still burning and the peak summer heat still to come, we wanted to acknowledge all the extraordinary firefighters and emergency workers currently working to protect the country, and let you know how you can support them.
You can donate to the firefighters on the front line by contacting your local brigade, NSW RFS or CFA VIC.
Donate to Red Cross Australia’s Disaster Relief and Recovery Appeal or to WIRES (NSW Wildlife information, Rescue and Education Service) to assist their efforts in supporting displaced and injured wildlife.
We also know that there are plenty of un-sung Aussies, including those from the utility/infrastructure/energy sector who are showing incredible support as the fires continue. If you’ve got a story to share or would like to acknowledge someone involved, feel free to get in touch at