The Federal Government is investing $10 million into upgrades on the Calder highway in Victoria, building new overtaking lanes and upgraded and new rest areas.
Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester said the funding was an investment in the people and industries of the region.
“The Coalition Government is getting on with building safer roads right across the nation through our record $75 billion investment in infrastructure, with 2017-18 set to be the single largest Commonwealth infrastructure spend in our nation’s history,” Mr Chester said.
“Constructing new overtaking lanes, as well as improving existing rest areas and building new ones will make the journey safer for truck drivers and all other motorists.
“The Australian Government’s record investment is building critical infrastructure projects such as this, helping prepare for future traffic growth, deliver safer roads and cut travel times and costs for local producers. Every dollar we invest in upgrading roads helps to save lives and reduce serious injuries.”
Federal Member for Mallee Andrew Broad applauded the extra funding for highway and said it was a great result for the residents and industries of the region.
“I drive the Calder Highway a lot and I know firsthand how dangerous it can be. This corridor has seen traffic grow by roughly a third over the last five years. It provides a link to the Henty Highway and supports a lot of freight movement from Sunraysia to south-western Victoria,” Mr Broad said.
“This funding will help build two new overtaking lanes, one southbound and one northbound, between Red Cliffs and Ouyen, as well as further safety improvements to the highway. Adding these extra overtaking lanes and better rest stops is great for road freight operators and all other motorists, and backs up my rock solid commitment to making roads in the Wimmera and Mallee safer for all drivers.”
The Australian Government’s $10 million investment will be matched by the Victorian Government.