The Western Australian Government has awarded a contract for underwater pile repairs as part of a $3 million maintenance upgrade on the Fremantle Traffic Bridge to ensure the safety and longevity of the structure.
Western Australian Minister for Transport, Bill Marmion, said Advanteering Civil Engineers will complete the work which will take place mostly underwater using a team of specialist divers working off a barge.
“Works have already commenced to ensure the long-term and safe use of the bridge, by repairing more than 100 piles,” Mr Marmion said.
“Main Roads WA has recently completed a series of pier protection works on the bridge’s fender system, and is now focused on strengthening the bridge piles in the Swan River.
“Our key concern is ensuring the safety of motorists and the continued flow of traffic across this important bridge.”
Fremantle Traffic Bridge provides a direct transport route from North Fremantle to the Fremantle central business district. The bridge is used by about 28,000 vehicles and several hundred cyclists each day.
The project is expected to be completed in May 2017.