Improvement works are now complete at The Crescent intersection at Pennant Hills, Sydney, improving traffic flow and reducing congestion.
Member for Hornsby, Matt Kean, said the upgrade work was delivered as part of the NSW Government’s $300 million Urban Roads Pinch Point Program which aims to reduce congestion and improve travel times on Sydney’s busiest corridors.
“Before these improvements were carried out, road users experienced congestion at the intersection during morning and afternoon peak as it is so close to Pennant Hills railway station,” Mr Kean said.
“Roads and Maritime Services invited feedback from the community on the proposed improvements in December 2016 and in May 2017, and received comments from 91 people and one organisation.
“Work was carried out from late June this year to modify the existing median to extend the right turn northbound lane by 95m on Pennant Hills Road between The Crescent and Fisher Avenue to ease congestion for motorists.”
Mr Kean said these improvements are improving traffic flow for motorists travelling through the intersection, particularly during the evening peak.
“The changes have improved the efficiency of the intersection by reducing the queue length of right turning motorists from Pennant Hills Road into The Crescent,” Mr Kean said.
“With around 63,500 motorists travelling through the intersection each day, it was essential these improvements were carried out to enable motorists to experience a safer and more efficient journey.”