A multimillion-dollar road upgrade tender has been announced, as part of the $352 million Rookwood Weir Project.
Member for Rockhampton, Barry O’Rourke, said the tender package for the Capricorn Highway intersection upgrade at Gogango is now available.
“The roadwork will provide safe access for earth-moving machinery and construction vehicles travelling to the weir site,” Mr O’Rourke said.
“The Palaszczuk Government is getting on with the job of building Rookwood.
“Rockhampton Regional Council already has been awarded the $7.5 million Thirsty Creek Road upgrade with work to start next month.
“Applications are open until 7 November and the tender is expected to be awarded to the successful building contractor in late December 2019.’’
Member for Keppel, Brittany Lauga, is encouraging Central Queensland companies to bid for the work that is expected to create up to 20 jobs in the region.
“This is another important milestone for the $352 million Rookwood Weir project that will deliver jobs for the region now and for the next couple of years,” Mrs Lauga said.
“The weir will boost water security to Livingstone Shire, Rockhampton and Gladstone and help grow and diversify the region’s economy through irrigated agriculture.
“The successful candidate for the Gogango upgrade will be required to leverage local relationships and provide job opportunities for the community.
“The contractor will need to display a proven capacity to efficiently and effectively deliver projects of this type and size in the region.”
Minister for Natural Resources, Dr Anthony Lynham, said the tender package was available on QTenders and that the work was scheduled to be completed by mid-2020, weather permitting.
“The work is just one key package being delivered as part of the Rookwood Weir project, that will create up to 100 jobs during construction,’’ Dr Lynham said.
Bids to build the weir opened on 2 October and around 100 Central Queensland businesses have already registered their interest to supply goods and services.
View the tender here.