The Western Australian Government is working to minimise further delays on the Swan River Pedestrian Bridge by creating new, local jobs.
The steel deck and arch components of the bridge being fabricated in Malaysia have taken longer than originally anticipated.
Transport Minister Rita Saffioti has asked Main Roads to work closely with the bridge contractor, York Rizzani Joint Venture, to mitigate any further delays to complete the bridge by the end of the year.
As part of the McGowan Labor Government’s commitment to maximising local jobs on State Government projects, Main Roads will investigate whether the steel deck component can be built in Western Australia.
Local manufacturers will soon be issued a formal request for quotes to supply and fabricate the deck component of the bridge and will have two weeks to prepare submissions to Main Roads.
Western Australian Premier Mark McGowan said, “We are currently looking at all the options available to salvage local jobs on this project and put WA jobs first.
“As Premier, I’m committed to ensuring that, wherever possible, taxpayers’ money is used to support local businesses and create new jobs for Western Australians.”
Ms Saffioti said, “The State Government has a responsibility to ensure local jobs are maximised on major projects such as the Perth Stadium pedestrian bridge.
“From the start, we have been concerned an overseas-made bridge was the wrong outcome for Western Australians.
“Under our plan we hope to create local jobs out this project and have the bridge completed in a timely manner.”