A place-specific approach to delivering more integrated and accessible hospitals, schools and other social infrastructure has been unveiled by the Queensland Government.
Minister for State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning, Cameron Dick, said the Strategy for Social Infrastructure and accompanying best practice guide highlight the government’s well-planned and collaborative response to changing community needs and trends.
“To cater for our growing and ageing population, advances in technology and service delivery, and other trends, we need a different approach to planning and investing in vital facilities such as hospitals and schools,” Mr Dick said.
“This will result in better solutions and services through integrated facilities and precincts designed around a community’s needs, leading to healthier outcomes for Queenslanders by ensuring services are in the right places and adaptable for future purposes.
“Our new focus will see hospitals, training facilities and universities being integrated into world-class medical research and education precincts.
“Schools will be designed to innovate and adapt to changing educational needs and enable greater community use, while the focus will also be on easily accessible and conveniently located human services integrated with public transport.
“This place-based approach, built on cross-agency collaboration, will allow us to realise opportunities to co-locate, share facilities and leverage new investment to build or repurpose community infrastructure, and generate jobs and long-lasting community benefits.
“An example is the Carseldine Urban Village, which will deliver a new $6.5 million sport and recreation precinct, employment opportunities, education, cafes, retail and affordable housing on the site of the former Queensland University of Technology campus.
“The precinct is well connected to public transport and will provide Aspley State High School with easy access to the sports fields and train station via a new $1 million pedestrian and cycle bridge funded by my Department and the Department of Education.
“Another example is the $3.6 million Yarrabilba Family, Children and Community Hub, delivered through our Community Hub and Partnerships program, which features co-located services to give families easy access and assist children get the best start in life,” Mr Dick said.
CEO Community Services Industry Alliance CEO, Belinda Drew, said a focus on ‘place’ will ensure that Queensland continues to build and support stronger communities, with conveniently located and adaptable facilities.
“Through the right planning and greater collaboration, we can achieve a better use of new and existing social infrastructure to deliver better outcomes for the community,” Ms Drew said.
This partner content is brought to you by the Queensland Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning. View the strategy and guide here: https://www.dsdmip.qld.gov.au/infrastructure/social-infrastructure.html