All revenue from traffic cameras and on-the-spot speeding fines will be allocated to upgrading suburban and country roads in Victoria under newly introduced legislation.
Minister for Roads, Luke Donnellan, has introduced the legislation which will permanently direct fine revenue to repairing and upgrading Victoria’s road network, protecting Victorian roads from future cuts.
The legislation would establish the Better Roads Victoria Fund to receive on-the-spot speeding and traffic camera revenue, putting money from fines back into the community for road upgrades.
Under the new laws, outer-suburban and country Victorian roads would each receive a minimum 33 per cent of the Better Roads Victoria Fund, ensuring those who drive the most will get better and safer roads
The remaining 34 per cent of the fund will be used for the repair and upgrade of roads and level crossings anywhere in the state, to give VicRoads the flexibility to divert resources where they’re needed most.
Labor’s 2014 Transport Plan, Project 10,000 committed $1 billion over eight years to repair and upgrade roads across Melbourne’s outer suburbs, and another $1 billion to repair and upgrade roads and level crossings in country Victoria.
In less than four years the Labor Government has already exceeded this commitment, allocating more than $3 billion from fee fine revenue to upgrading and repairing roads across the state.
This locked-in investment is on top of the Labor Government’s massive program of major road projects including the West Gate Tunnel, North East Link, the $4 billion Suburban Roads Upgrade as well as upgrades to the Tullamarine Freeway, Monash Freeway and the M80 ring Road.