The Phalps Road level crossing in Pirron Yallock, west of Melbourne has been upgraded with the installation of boom gates and flashing lights to improve safety, following a dangerous accident in which saw a semi-trailer collide with a train.
Phalps Road crossing – the site of the July 2016 incident– has now been fitted with warning lights, bells and booms, and transformed from STOP signs to a fully protected active crossing.
Electrical power was installed at the remote site before the engineering and signalling works and the level crossing equipment installation took place.
Victorian Minister for Public Transport Jacinta Allan said, “The safety of passengers is always our first priority.
“We need to do all we can to help ensure every person who drives through this crossing can do so safely — that’s why this upgrade is so important.”
More than 20 V/Line staff and contractors worked on the project to help make the crossing safer for users of the intersection.
The Phalps Road upgrade is part of the Victorian Government’s $50 million Safer Country Crossing Program, improving safety at 52 priority roads and level crossings which carry high speed passenger trains or a high number of heavy vehicles.
Thirteen road crossings and five pedestrian crossings will be upgraded in the 2016/17 financial year as part of the program.
Work is currently underway to upgrade the Sandys Lane, Gnotuk crossing in western Victoria and the Tragowel Road, Tragowel upgrade in northern Victoria is on track to begin in September 2016. Both projects are being delivered by V/Line.
In the midst of Rail Safety Week and the completion of this important upgrade, the Government is urging people to remain vigilant and take extra care around trains and level crossings.
“Just yesterday, a V/Line train driver reported a near hit with a truck at Phalps Road. The driver ignored the warning signs and drove around the active boom gates,” Member for Western Victoria Gayle Tierney said.
“We are asking pedestrians and motorists to respect all warning signs and to never cross the tracks when a train is approaching.”